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The meaning behind the GIVE2THOSE Logo

How the Design Came to Be

Late one night, as the President of Give2Those, Inc. sat at her desk, she was determined to create a logo that would embody the heart and mission of Give2Those. The organization was born from the Annual Stride & Ride Relay, and its logo needed to reflect honor, service, sacrifice, and unity.

With deep passion, she turned to prayer, seeking divine guidance to craft a symbol that would inspire, unite, and call people to action. Slowly, the vision took shape—each element infused with meaning, forming a beacon of community, remembrance, and gratitude.

This logo would stand as a visual testament to those who Serve, Save, Protect, and Sacrifice—a reminder of the selfless individuals who dedicate their lives to the greater good.

Understanding the Meaning of the Logo, Each part explained Below: 

Understanding the Meaning of the Logo

The Hands

The hands symbolize human connection, service, and sacrifice. For members of the U.S. Armed Forces and First Responders, their hands bear the marks of commitment, courage, and duty—whether taking an oath, saving lives, or comforting those in need. These hands represent honor, faith, and the unbreakable bond between those who serve and the nation they protect.

The Firefighter Badge

This badge features the number 343, honoring the 343 firefighters who gave their lives on September 11, 2001, embodying ultimate sacrifice. The Maltese Cross represents courage, loyalty, and readiness, while the Scramblesignifies brotherhood and unity. These symbols remind us of the Thin Red Line firefighters walk every day, facing danger for the safety of others.

The EMS Badge

Honoring the EMS personnel lost on 9/11, this badge symbolizes the selfless service of EMTs and paramedics who risk their lives to save others. The Thin White Line represents their role in the battle between life and death, their dedication to responding to emergencies without hesitation.

The Police Badge

This badge bears the number 72, representing the officers and emergency personnel who perished on 9/11, and 93, a tribute to those aboard Flight 93 who prevented further tragedy. The badge, worn over the heart, signifies an officer’s pledge to protect and serve, much like the medieval knight’s shield—a symbol of duty, sacrifice, and unwavering commitment.

The Dog Tags

Dog tags are a sacred reminder of the men and women in uniform who risk everything to protect our nation. Representing every branch of the military, they symbolize the courage and sacrifice of those who have served since the founding of our country.

The POW-MIA Dog Tag

A solemn tribute to prisoners of war and those missing in action, this tag ensures that their service and sacrifice will never be forgotten. It is a pledge of remembrance, a symbol of the ongoing mission to bring them home and honor their valor.

The 22 A Day Memorial Bracelet

This bracelet signifies the heartbreaking statistic that 22 veterans take their own lives each day. It is a call to action—a commitment to mental health awareness, support, and advocacy for those battling the invisible wounds of war.

The Towers

A powerful tribute to those lost on 9/11, the Towers stand in remembrance of the innocent lives taken and the heroes who responded. They also honor those who later succumbed to 9/11-related illnesses, ensuring that their legacy endures.

Why the Twin Towers Are Blue

The blue color represents our nation's collective grief, a valley of tears shed for those we have lost. The single suspended tear near the 22 A Day bracelet is a poignant symbol—it will never fall, signifying the permanent imprint of sorrow and remembrance in our hearts.

The Yellow and Black Ribbon

The yellow ribbon symbolizes support for service members, while the black represents remembrance. At the top of the logo, these colors form a halo—a tribute to the 343 fallen firefighters, likened to guardian angels who sacrificed themselves to save others.

The Pentagon

Positioned behind the Twin Towers, the Pentagon honors the 184 lives lost in the attack on September 11, 2001. It stands as a symbol of resilience, ensuring that their memory lives on.

We may not know each hero by name, but we honor and support them. From the soldiers defending our freedom to the first responders protecting our communities, we owe them a profound debt of gratitude.Through acts of service, remembrance, and generosity, we ensure that their sacrifices are never forgotten. 


This logo—designed by the President and Founder of Give2Those, Inc. & Stride & Ride Relay—serves as a visual testament to the mission of the organization: to uplift, support, and honor the brave men and women who protect and serve, both in and out of uniform.


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 Give2Those is recognized as a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code-EIN 82-2776703. All purchases made at are considered donations to the Give2Those Inc. Give2Those is organized as a Not-for-Profit Corporation under the laws of the State of Massachusetts and is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) as a tax-exempt organization pursuant to 501 (c)(3) All donations are fully deductible to the extent allowed by applicable law. Please consult your tax advisor for additional information and the deductibility of your donation. No goods or services were provided in exchange for this contribution.

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