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After years of proudly hosting the Thin Line Arrow Archery Program, the team at Give2Those has made the difficult decision to no longer continue offering this initiative. This choice comes after deep consideration and reflection on the evolving priorities and strategic direction of the organization. 


While the Thin Line Arrow Archery Program has been a beloved and impactful offering over the past several years, providing therapeutic archery experiences for veterans and first responders, the organization has determined that its resources and efforts can now be best utilized in new programmatic areas that will allow Give2Those to develop innovative initiatives that combine physical fitness, mental health support, and community-building opportunities tailored to the unique challenges faced by these heroic individuals. 


The decision to discontinue the archery program was not made lightly, as Give2Those recognizes the value and therapeutic benefits it has provided to countless participants. However, the organization is confident that this strategic shift will enable it to have a greater, more far-reaching impact on the lives of those who selflessly put themselves in harm's way to keep our communities safe. With a renewed commitment to fostering the overall wellness of those who serve, Give2Those is poised to embark on an exciting new chapter that will continue to honor and support these true heroes in meaningful and impactful ways.

Heroes We Have Honored 

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Did You Know Bows were used in War all the way up until Vietnam?  
Learn more by clicking on photo below

Thin Line Arrow Archery Program 2021 Team .jpg
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